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The archetypal blog post

A worker monitors the progress in a microtrenching operation

This blog post features many features that might appear in a standard blog post. If we can get this one right, we stand a much better chance of getting the rest right.

If you’re reading this and you’re not working on the Ting Internet blog migration, nothing to see here. Move along.

This is a relative on-site link. It should open in the same tab/window. Relative links use the last part of the URL (no It just links to /microtrenching and should direct to or /blog/internet/townname/microtrenching depending where you’re viewing this.

This is a standard on-site link. It should open in the same tab/window. Standard links use the full URL

This is an outbound link. It should open in a new tab/window.

Next is a horizontal rule.

Following that, a 25px spacer.

This is an H2

We use H2s for all subheads.

H2s are preceded by a 25px spacer. There’s one up there ^That can probably be templated but in WordPress, we use a special 25px spacer block.

This is an H3

We use H3s occasionally

This is an H4

We use H4s rarely

This is an H5

I can’t remember the last time we used an H5.

These are emoji. We don’t use emoji often 😁👍📸

This is a bulleted list

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 5
  • Note to fix this list such that includes item 4

Moments later, we arrived.

Exhausted from the heavy traffic, I was greeted by the smells of college – aged party – goers, as well as the cold floor. Oh yes, we were back in Redneck Country. Only it wasn’t home, this time. It was a giant Wal – mart.
It was a big Wal – mart, but it wasn’t Wal – mart – big. Nothing was on sale. Nothing was good on sale.
Everything was about twice the price as it was at the other Wal – mart. So we left.

This is a pull-quote. We use these sometimes to add visual interest to a story.

Some Editor Type

We headed a couple of miles away to a tiny little hole in the wall place called Save – A – Lot, where they have “super cheap groceries”. We went for the good stuff. Mixed grr – fests.

This is a code block. We don't always (or even often) need to share code but when we do, we use a code block.

$sudo makdir "raspi" 
PRINT: "I don't know how code works."
<a href="">I'm a bit better with simple HTML>

Lots of, “I can’t believe this is happening again!” “I hate this trip!” “I’m tired of being on the road!” “This is a really rough day!”

Video embeds

Vimeo – Landscape

YouTube – Landscape

I was like, “Wow, these were my exact thoughts at this exact moment, even though I was driving.”
There was laughter and deep breathing and wiping eyes and shaking heads. But I was driving.

This is a full-width image

15% off Ting Mobile data plans
This is a caption

This is the same image at 25%

15% off Ting Mobile data plans
This. is a caption

This is an animated gif

This an inline image. Hopefuly the copy flows around it. But I had left it behind so many years ago. I’m better at driving that way. I just zip in between the traffic and do whatever is necessary to make it home.
I could smell the saltwater from the ocean off the windscreen, and the sound of it reminded me of home.

And finally, this is our “check your address” CTA block. I’d be surprised if it migrated properly.