Ting Mobile’s Samsung Galaxy A21 giveaways!

Guy Hall November 2, 2020

We’re sure that some of you have heard the good news already, and have seen that the Samsung Galaxy A21 is available on the Ting shop for just $249.

But do you want the even better news? 

Starting Wednesday November 4, we’re going to give you three chances to win one for free! 

How can I win a Samsung Galaxy A21, you ask?

Well, we’ve grouped together three sets of four emojis and we’ll be asking you to decipher which is our odd emoji out in each set. Our winners will be chosen at random from those that get it right.

To be eligible to win, we’ll also be asking you to like the posts and tag a friend with each guess to help us spread the word and get more people in on the fun.

We’ll be presenting you with a new set of emojis each day from Wednesday through Friday, so don’t get disheartened if you don’t win the first time round.

Each contest will run across our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, with one phone being given away each day. We’ll also be giving some Ting credits to some lucky runners-up.

For now, all you have to do is make sure you’re following us on each of these platforms and keep your eyes peeled for the first post on Wednesday, at 10am (ET). 

Oh, and remember, if you enter on all three platforms, you’ll triple your chance of winning. 

Good luck! 

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