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Help me choose a smartphone: the complete smartphone buying guide

help me choose a smartphone


These days, we’re spoiled for choice when it comes to smartphones. That’s why we’ve done the hard work for you and gathered some information to help you narrow your options. This comprehensive smartphone buying guide will walk you through some of the most important things to consider and even offer a few suggestions. If you’re wondering, “can this guide really help me choose a smartphone?” trust us – we got you. We’re going to weigh the pros and cons along the way, and break out great smartphone options for families, kids, young couples, seniors and more. Whether you’re interested in buying a brand new device, looking to buy used, or not sure where to start, we can help.

When you do find your dream phone, consider bringing it to Ting. Ting’s flexible rates let you tailor your smartphone experience to exactly how you see fit. With Ting, you don’t pay for anything you don’t need. In terms of coverage, Ting is available on three nationwide LTE networks, including the nation’s largest, so your phone will benefit from great coverage right away.


Most newer unlocked phones can be a Ting cell phone

Ting offers the ease and flexibility of bringing your own phone, or purchasing one in the Ting Shop. While the majority of unlocked phones will work on Ting, there are exceptions. For instance, since all the national networks are upgrading their technology, your phone must be VoLTE enabled. To ensure your phone will work on Ting, use our handy compatibility checker.

Alternatively, you can purchase a phone in the Ting Shop which is guaranteed to work on Ting. And even though we’ll never lock you into a contract, we’ve made fair and easy financing available if needed. If you’re ready to start browsing, check out our shop. And if you’re undecided, read on.


Should I upgrade my phone now or wait?

Before you start shopping around, take a good long look at that phone in your hand. Can you make do with what you’ve got? At Ting, we’ve noticed people are keeping their phones for longer than ever before. It might have to do with the hefty price tag attached to a brand new phone from Apple, Samsung and Google, but it’s also the case that smartphones have just gotten a lot, well, smarter.

If you purchased a new phone in the last three years, you probably don’t need to upgrade, but you might want to take a few steps to clean up and improve your phone so it feels like new again.


Where to start: help me choose a smartphone

If you’re settled on going with a new phone, you’ll have to start by picking the right phone for you. You can start by picking your platform: Android or iOS. From there you’ll want to decide if you’re going to splurge on a new phone or buy used. For the record, we think buying a used phone can be a smart financial choice, as long as it’s from a reputable reseller.

Android or iOS: Pick your platform

Buying a used smartphone to bring to Ting

How Ting phone financing works

What type of Ting user are you

Why buying last year’s model might be the smarter choice


Best smartphone overall? Depends on what you’re looking for

Finding a great smartphone to use with Ting is easy. We’ve put together some suggestions for families, millennials, seniors, small business owners, teens, kids and more. Pick whichever post resonates with you and have a look. You’re guaranteed to find some suitable smartphone options.

Phones for the whole family

Budget Android phones for a young couple

Our favorite phones for seniors

The best smartphones for teens

Smartphones for today’s entrepreneur

The best smartphones for geeks

Smartphone deals millennials will love

Smartphone recommendations for kids of all ages

Best emergency phones for kids

Top rated smartphones for professionals

Our favorite flip and feature phones

Essential phone for your bug out bag


Still not sure? Why we love Motorola phones

If, even at the end of this guide, you’re still asking yourself, “which Android phone should I buy?” we’d be happy to make a recommendation. The best budget Android phone today is probably a Motorola. At Ting, we love Motorola cell phones. They’re affordable, come with solid camera specs, are equipped with generous batteries and generally defy what a smartphone in the $200 to $300 price range can do.

Want an honest recommendation? Go with Moto G7. Learn more about this affordable powerhouse in our Moto G7 review and get your hands on one in the Ting Shop. If you’re looking for something in the sub $200 range, check out Moto G7 Power. And for one heck of a deal, check out the still extremely capable Moto G6 for under $100! You won’t be disappointed.


Ting personal shoppers

Still stumped? Why not spoil yourself Hollywood style and reach out to your own Ting personal shopper? They’ll find you some great recommendations in no time (and for free too! Take that, Russell Crowe and your $100,000 a year personal assistant)!

What’s in store?

What’s in store?

In the Ting shop you’ll find everything from good ol’ flip phones to the latest iPhone and Android phones.

Browse the Shop